Tube Fins, based in the UK, is a leading supplier of Finned Tube Industrial Equipment.

Tube Fins manufacture Finned Tube and Turbulator Tube Inserts.

Starting with a plain tube Tube Fins apply an external fin and/or internal tube inserts. Tube Fins have capabilities to apply both ribbon fin and wire wound fin and have a range of attachment techniques many of which have been uniquely developed over 60 years of finning tube.

All finned tubes are manufactured and tested in Lincoln, UK. The finning machines and techniques used are unique to Tube Fins and produce outstanding quality results in a range of materials such as: carbon steel, copper, aluminium and stainless steel.

Tube Fins work with some of the most prestigious customers in highly regulated industries such as Energy, Oil, Gas, Marine, Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical and Automotive.

Tube Fins are an established finning company and export globally in full compliance with customer specifications.



Our Hercol machines, provide a unique fin surface giving a massive surface area for increased heat exchange capability. This technology is versatile and robust, providing our customer with a reliable and efficient cooler tube , which can be used on countless applications.

At Tube Fins we can offer ribbon fin winding in aluminium, copper, steel, and stainless steel depending on your requirement. Coupled with our tabulating insert technology, this gives a huge performance boost to be one of the leaders in the finned tube industry.


At Tube Fins, its not just the external fin that provides coolers performance, but the internal winds too. Inserts down the bore of the tube cause the fluid media to be tabulated as it travels down the tube eliminated laminar flow and promoting tubular flow.

A crucial step in removing the maximum amount of heat as possible. We use a solder dipping process to bond this insert to the tube allowing a uninterrupted bond from insert to tube to external wind.