Tube Fins is a world leading supplier of finned tube products. Made in the UK to the highest quality standards and packed and exported globally.

With unique external fin and internal inserts, Tube Fins can supply some of the best thermal performance tubes for a huge variety of heat exchanger applications.

For a quick price estimate please fill in the form below:

Email Address:
Type of Fin:
Press here to select Wire Wound
Wire Wound
Press here to select Ribbon Wound
Ribbon Wound

Tube Details

Tube Material:
Tube Outside Diameter:
Tube Outside Diameter:
Wall Thickness:
Wall Thickness:
Free Issue / Full Supply:

Form Details

Plain Ends:

Wire Specification

Wire Density:
Overall Fin Diameter:
Wire Thickness:

Ribbon Specification

Fin Material:
Fin Height:
Fin Pitch:
Fin Type:
Internal Inserts?
Photo of an Internal Insert
Internal Insert
Internal Wire Density:
Wire Thickness:


Please fill in the missing information.
Please enter a valid email address.
Your Enquiry has been recieved and will be processed shortly. Thank you!
Fin Pitch needs to be between 252 Fins per Meter to 622 Fins per Meter OR 6.4 Fins per Inch to 15.8 Fins per Inch.
Fin Height needs to be between 6.00mm to 22.22mm OR 0.236 Inch to 0.875 Inch.
Comments has to be less than 500 letters.
Name is restricted to less than 50 letters.
Email Address is restricted to less than 70 letters.
Text must not contain double quotes " or curly braces { }.
Material has to be less than 30 letters.
Value has to be less than 10 digits long.
Fin Height should be less than 65% of the Tube Diameter.
Value has to be less than 6 digits long.
Tube length has to be between 150mm (5.9 Inches) to 13500mm (531.4 Inches).
Number of Gaps x Gaps Length cannot be longer than the Tube Length.
Numbers must be greater than 0.
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